Who builds the best brand? Since 2021, the startup advertising agency Jung von Matt Start has been evaluating the strongest German startup brands. Which brand is particularly prominent and which is considered trustworthy? This year, three energy startups are among the top brands. We checked with Jung von Matt: What are players like Zolar and 1Komma5° doing right? Why doesn't a big name like Enpal make the list? And: Does that even play a role in the competition? After all, two of the highly ranked energy startups have been noticed with waves of layoffs in the last few weeks, as Gründerszene reported in advance. We spoke to two investors who know the energy industry well about the effectiveness of a brand on the (capital) market – and look at the study situation.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/media/die-macht-der-marke-enter-zolar-und-1komma5-haben-promi-brands-gebaut-hilft-ihnen-das/