What is important for impact startups? Take a closer look at five successful pitch decks.
Faircado, Cocoli, Alcemy, Ceezer, GoodCarbon

Impact everywhere. Customers expect impact, employees want a job with impact, and investors also demand impact in their portfolio. But what exactly does impact mean? A literal translation into German is difficult. It is a little sustainable, a little social, a little climate-friendly and definitely world-improving. Almost every second startup wants to be a world-improving one. According to the German Startup Monitor 2023, around 45 percent of all startups surveyed say that their products also solve social problems.

Expert Arnas Bräutigam, co-founder of the fundraising platform AddedVal.io, explains in three steps what is important for impact pitch decks. We also show you the pitch decks of five impact startups that have successfully completed a financing round in recent years – and which slides particularly impressed our experts. The startups have won over investors such as HV Capital, Picus Capital and the World Fund. The financing rounds range from pre-seed to Series A and investment volumes are between three and 10 million euros.

You can find more exciting company presentations on our pitch deck topic page. You can get video feedback from experts for your own slides here.

Always important for all impact startups

Arnas Bräutigam has seen more than 1,000 pitch decks in his life. Many of them from young companies that call themselves “impact startups”. The co-founder of the fundraising platform AddedVal.io explains in three steps what is important.

  • When it comes to avoiding or saving CO2, it is important to quantify this in the deck. “Investors need to understand the scale involved, i.e. how big the impact really is,” says the expert. Impact startups need to be able to grow big in order to really generate a big impact.

Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/business/erfolgreich-pitchen-als-impact-startup-tipps-tricks-aus-der-praxis/

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