With solar systems for the balcony, consumers can generate their own electricity and use it directly. However, according to Stiftung Warentest, not all systems are convincing. In our weekly ranking we show you eight balcony power plants in comparison.
With balcony power plants, consumers can generate their own electricity at home and use it directly. Numerous providers now offer such systems. In practice, however, not all of them are convincing. The necessary inverters can, for example, interfere with other electrical devices or radio connections.
Stiftung Warentest therefore tested and compared eight different balcony power plants from manufacturers such as Absaar, Anker, EPP Solar and Yuma. The models examined have an output of 600 to around 800 watts and two solar panels each that can be plugged into sockets.
Balcony power plants in comparison – only one system is “good”
To find out which is the best balcony power plant, the consumer organization tested the solar systems in simulated sunlight and shade to check their performance in different lighting conditions. The systems were also checked in the categories of handling and installation as well as stability and safety.
The result: Only one of the balcony power plants received a quality rating of “good”. In the following ranking we will show you how Stiftung Warentest rated the various balcony power plants.
Yuma Balcony (820) Pro
Stiftung Warentest awarded the Yuma Balcony (820) Pro Overall grade 5.0. The product received a partial grade of 1.5 in the safety category and the product also achieved a very good result in terms of stability with a partial grade of 1.4. The stability and handling were also awarded the quality rating “good”. However, the electromagnetic compatibility only received a partial grade of 5.0. The solar system is therefore considered defective.
Platz 8: Yuma Balcony (820) Pro. (Photo: Yuma GmbH)
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/04/25/balkonkraftwerke-vergleich/