Mobile wallboxes can be very useful. If there is no public charging station nearby, you can use them to charge your electric car on the go. We therefore show you seven flexible charging stations in comparison.
Since the charging infrastructure for electric cars in Germany still leaves a lot to be desired, many people are opting for a mobile wall box. Some car manufacturers include it as standard equipment. In general, however, the flexible charging stations are more of an emergency charging cable.
However, they often only fit a 230-volt Schuko connection and, depending on the model, charge with outputs between 1.8 and three kilowatts. Charging therefore takes a correspondingly long time. However, the ADAC recently tested various mobile wall boxes that promise more.
Mobile wallboxes in the ADAC comparison
All of the chargers tested can charge three-phase with eleven kilowatts, some even with up to 22 kilowatts. Some devices can also be operated via an app. To ensure comparability, the devices were tested for the same test criteria for safety, scope of delivery and equipment as permanently installed models. We show you seven mobile wall boxes that the ADAC has tested.
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1. Juice Booster 3 air EU Traveller Set
The Juice Booster 3 air EU Traveller Set received a Score of 1.6 and is therefore the test winner in the comparison. The mobile wallbox was able to convince the ADAC almost across the board. The automobile club only discovered minor defects in the excessive standby consumption and the somewhat rigid cable. The design is compact, high-quality and robust. The model also has a removable adapter, authorization via RFID in the charging plug, a configurable button and an app with a wide range of functions.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/07/18/mobile-wallboxen/