Constantly looking for the best internet tariff and slowly getting annoyed by the constant comparison? That's over now! With the new congstar Home offer, congstar brings a breath of fresh air to the tariff market – and ensures that you never have to worry about cheaper internet again. Find out in this article why this tariff is perfect for you and what advantages await you.
congstar Home: The new offer for your home
congstar has long been convincing its customers with fair tariffs in the area of mobile communications. The popular telecommunications company is now offering its customers and anyone interested brand new internet tariffs for their home. The so-called congstar home tariffs with 100 or 250 Mbit/s cost 35 euros per month or 45 euros per month and prove to be particularly flexible.
In the future, you can switch between the two tariffs at any time and free of charge as desired and, as is usual with congstar, without having to stick to contract terms. If you are dissatisfied at some point, you can also cancel on a monthly basis. But why should you do that with an always fair offer like this?
Unlike other providers, congstar waives price jumps and increases after 3, 6, 12 or 24 months for its congstar home tariffs. But let's take a closer look at the contents of the packages.
Find your perfect tariff here
congstar home 100
With the congstar Home 100 tariff you can surf at up to 100 Mbit/s for downloading and up to 40 Mbit/s for uploading. The price for this flexible tariff is 35 euros per month. In addition, there are the one-off provision costs of 50 euros. You have the option of switching to the congstar Home 250 tariff every month or canceling it if you wish.
congstar home 250
The tariff is just as flexible as the 100 tariff with up to 250 Mbit/s for download and up to 40 Mbit/s for upload. When you sign up, the one-off provisioning costs of 50 euros are due, but you can also save a lot with this tariff if you're quick.
Router offer for congstar customers
If you need a cheap router, you can book an AVM Fritz!box 7530 AX in conjunction with your new congstar contract for a one-off promotional price of just 99 euros. If you already have a VDSL-capable router, which in the case of congstar Hause 250 is also supervectoring capable, you are of course welcome to use this too.
Find your perfect tariff here
Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/10/02/congstar-zuhause/