Apple has brought some new features to the iPhone with iOS 18. The update gives you the opportunity to customize your home screen. For example, you can change the color of your apps on the iPhone. We'll tell you how to do it.
Until now, it was not possible to change the color of apps on the iPhone. Adjustments were only possible via third-party applications. The design of Apple's own apps was predetermined.
However, with iOS 18, this changes. You now have several options to make your home screen more individual. Among other things, the update allows you to change the color of the apps on your iPhone.
How to change the color of apps on your iPhone
If you want to change the colors of the apps on your iPhone, you need to do the following:
- First, long press one finger on an empty area of the screen.
- The editing menu will then appear. Now click on “Edit„.
- Then select the option “Adjust” out of.
In the following menu you have several options to adjust the color of your apps. The options:
- Automatically: The app icons automatically adapt to the time of day. During the day they appear in bright colors. In the evening and at night they gradually become darker.
- Hell: This option is the standard design you know so far. The apps on your iPhone are displayed in bright colors.
- Dark: This mode darkens the app icons on your iPhone. According to Apple, the icons adapt better to night mode and are designed to be easier on the eyes.
- Colored: This option allows you to individually color the apps on your iPhone. Colors such as blue, green, red or yellow are available to choose from on a color scale.
Limitations on coloring apps
With iOS 18, Apple provides numerous options with which you can change the color of the apps on your iPhone. However, there are also some restrictions. For example, the color selection affects all apps on your home screen. In concrete terms, this means that it is not possible to color individual apps.
You now have the option to adjust the size of your app icons as well as the color. To do this, hold down a finger on the screen. Then click on “Edit” and then on “Customize”. In addition to the color selection, you will also find the options “Small” and “Large”.
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Source: https://www.basicthinking.de/blog/2024/09/17/auf-dem-iphone-so-kannst-du-die-farbe-deiner-apps-aendern/