Well, it works: Flo Health has cracked the billion dollar valuation with a $200 million financing round. Europe's first femtech startup with unicorn status – and an entire industry is breathing a sigh of relief. Can she do that?
What does the first unicorn mean for the femtech scene in Germany? And how is it doing in 2024? We asked three people who should know: two startup CEOs and a scientist who is doing her doctorate on femtech. The latter predicts that the industry is at a tipping point. The next two to five years will determine whether Femtechs can really gain a foothold in Germany – or whether it will remain only a temporary movement. You can read here about the three factors that determine the success or failure of this young industry.
Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/gruenderszene/perspektive/endlich-ein-einhorn-aber-die-femtech-szene-steht-an-kipppunkt-09/